Can I postpone my deadline for entry into Norway?
When UDI notifies you that you have been granted a residence permit, you will also be given a deadline for entry into Norway.
You may be able to postpone your entry deadline if there are special circumstances for why you cannot travel to Norway before the deadline. You will have to request a postponement of your entry deadline before the current deadline passes. The entry deadline will normally be postponed by up to 6 months.
If you have been granted a residence permit as a skilled worker, you must include an updated offer of employment with your request.
How to request a postponement of your entry deadline
In your request, explain the reason why you are unable to travel to Norway before the deadline. In many cases, UDI will ask you to document whatever reason you give. If, for example, you cannot keep the deadline because you are ill, you will need to provide documentation concerning your illness. For other causes, you will need to try to document the situation to the best extent possible.
You must contact UDI by telephone to request postponement. We will consider whether the deadline can be postponed and what kind of documentation you will need to submit based on your explanation. If postponement is approved, the embassy will contact you about issuing a new entry visa with a new entry deadline.