Statistics and analysis Research reports on immigration
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Research and development reports on migration and immigration commissioned by UDI and by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security.
Sort by theme and year
Arrival dynamics in three phases. Temporary collective protection for displaced persons from Ukraine in Norway (2023)
Different policies, different outcomes: The reception of Ukrainian refugees in Sweden and Norway (2023)
Legal with limitations (2012)
The use of open source in UDI and UNE (2019)
“Everyone wants to leave” Transit migration from Khartoum — The role of information and social media campaigns
Losing the right to stay (2019)
Case management, identity controls and screening on national security and 1F exclusion (2018)
The Concept of Safe Third Countries – Legislation and National Practices (2017)
Exclusion from refugee status (2013)
No way in, no way out? A study of living conditions of irregular migrants in Norway, (2011)