3. Where do we obtain the data from?

UDI needs to collect necessary information from you because you are applying for a residence permit or have another case under consideration. You must help to clarify your identity and have a duty to provide information that may be relevant to your case (see the Immigration Act section 83 and the Nationality Act section 29).

If necessary, UDI can also collect information from other public agencies, such as the Norwegian Tax Administration, the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV), the State Educational Loan Fund (Lånekassen), the Population Register, the child welfare services or the police (see the Immigration Act section 84 and the Immigration Regulations sections 17-7d to 17-7j, the Immigration Act section 29b and the Nationality Regulations sections 14-1 til 14-8). We can also collect information from publicly available sources, such as websites and social media.