I have a Dublin case. What does this mean for my application?

UDI will determine which country should be in charge of your application

If you apply for protection in Norway, and your application is treated as a Dublin case, then UDI will determine whether the responsibility for your application lies with Norway or another Dublin country. We will not assess your need for protection.

If your application is Norway's responsibility, then UDI will process your application on the basis of individual protection. If another country is responsi ble for your application, you will have to travel to that country.

You will be notified that your application will be transferred to another country and you will need to travel

In cases under the Dublin regulation, UDI must ask the relevant country to process your application. You will be notified that your application is being transferred to a different country, and that you will have to travel back to the country where your application is going to be processed. You will be given a deadline to depart Norway by (deadline for departure).

Unaccompanied minor asylum seekers will only be sent to a different "Dublin country" if they have family there or if their application has already been processed there.

You have the right to appeal

You can appeal the decision you received. UDI will assign you a lawyer, who will explain the decision and help you to lodge your appeal.

UDI will consider your appeal, and if UDI do not reverse the decision, they will forward your case to the Immigration Appeals Board (UNE).

You will not normally be allowed to stay in Norway while UNE processes your appeal. You will be deported by the police and transferred to the "Dublin country" responsible for your case.