Checklist for permanent residence permit
The information on this page is personalised for
This is what you need to do
- Print out this list.
- Check the boxes.
- Gather all original documents and copy each document.
- Sign and date the list.
- Bring the list, original documents and your copies and meet at your appointment at the police.
- Show all original documents to the police. The police will confirm that they have seen the originals, and you can bring your original documents home.
- Documents that are in another language than Norwegian or English have to be translated to Norwegian or English. The translation needs to be confirmed by an authorized translator or public interpreter.
- If you do not submit all required documents on the list, you must bring a written explanation as to why you have not submitted the documents. If you do not submit all required documents the waiting time may be longer or your application will be turned down.
Documents which all applicants must hand in
The signature form is the attachment you received via email when you registered your application online. Please print it and bring it with you. If you are handing in your application at a Danish embassy, please bring a filled-out application form instead. (
If you no longer have your passport or travel document in your possession, you need to find alternative means of documenting that you have not stayed abroad for more than seven months during the past three years. This you may do by for instance submitting a written confirmation from your employer, school or day care.
An overview of all travels in and out of Norway you have made the last three years. You need to specify the exact date for leaving and returning to Norway for each trip, and the total amount of days abroad. If you have not travelled, please specify this.
You fill in this information in the Application Portal when you register your application.
Documentation which shows that you support yourself
Please tick the boxes for the types of income which you have had in the last 12 months, making a total of at least
NOK 310 070
and click on "View explanation" in order to see what type of documentation to hand in.
Are you unsure whether you fulfil the requirement to support yourself? Please check the criteria at
The Norwegian Tax Administration sends information regarding this to the UDI, so you do not have to submit any documents.
You must hand in
- a written confirmation from your accountant showing your firm’s surplus from the last 12 months, if you have an accountant
- your accounts from the last 12 months (a summary of your income and expenses)
- your last Tax Return with necessary attachments (Income statement etc.)
You must submit a bank statement and documents which shows what type and how much income you receive.
The Norwegian Tax Administration sends information regarding this to the UDI, so you do not have to submit any documents.
The UDI receives this information from The Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund, so you do not have to submit any documents from them.
You do not have to submit any documents as The Norwegian Tax Administration sends information regarding this to the UDI.
Documentation of Norwegian language tuition and test
Check how many hours of language tuition you must have completed and what tests you must have passed.
If you have completed training in the Norwegian language and passed the Norwegian oral test
If you have attended lower or upper secondary school and received a final assessment grade in oral or written Norwegian
If you have not yet been given an exemption, you must contact the municipality to ask for the exemption.
If you have not completed training in the Norwegian language
You must hand in one of these:
If you have not yet been given an exemption, you may contact the adult education centre in the municipality where you live. The municipality can give you an exemption if you have "adequate" knowledge of Norwegian or Sami, are seriously or chronically ill, or there are other weighty (important and serious) reasons why you cannot complete the tuition.
If you have not passed the oral Norwegian test at a minimum of level A1
Documentation of social studies tuition and test
Check how many hours of language tuition you must have completed and what tests you must have passed.
If you have completed the social studies tuition and passed the social studies test
If you have attended lower or upper secondary school and received a final assessment grade in oral or written Norwegian, or in social studies
If you have not yet been given an exemption, you must contact the municipality and ask for an exemption.
If you have not completed the social studies tuition
You must hand in one of these three:
If you have not passed the social studies test
Additional documents if you have changed your name since you came to Norway
If you have changed your name since you moved to Norway, you need to fill in Name change form (pdf, 542 kB) ( and hand it in with the application. If you changed your last name because you got married, you do not need to fill in this form.
Additional documents if you hold a family immigration permit with your spouse/partner/cohabitant
Fill in the UDI's Declaration of relationship form (pdf, 616 kB) (
Please use the form Time spent abroad by spouse, cohabitant or partner (pdf, 675 kB) (
Additional documents if you hold a family immigration permit on the basis of visitation with your child
Additional documents if you hold a permit as a skilled worker and you have spent more than seven months abroad during the last three years
The confirmation from your employer must include:
- an overview over each trip you have carried out on assignment from your employer
- information about the dates you left Norway, and the dates you returned
- information about the reason for each trip, and whether it was important for your employer
If the trip was a combination of holidays and work, the employer must write in the confirmation what part of the trip was work related.
Additional documents if you have a permit as a skilled worker, ethnic cook or religious teacher/leader
UDI Offer of employment form (pdf, 1,0 MB) ( Please fill in the form again. You may not use the same form that you filled in the last time you applied.
If you have committed a crime in Norway or abroad
If you are under investigation or have previous convictions in Norway or abroad, you must fill out and submit the form Notification of criminal offences (pdf, 733 kB).