How long do I have to wait for an answer to my application?

Expulsion decision

Most people receive a decision within 10 months of the date when the police or UDI opens an expulsion case and sends out advance notice of the case.

Applications to revoke a prohibition of entry

EU/EEA nationals: 

Most people receive an answer within 6 months of the date when UDI receives their application. 

Nationals of countries outside the EU/EEA

Most people receive an answer within 8 months of the date when UDI receives their application. 

If you have also applied for a residence permit, your total waiting time will be the time it takes to receive an answer about lifting the prohibition of entry plus the time needed to receive an answer to your application for a residence permit.

For nationals of countries outside the EU/EEA who, after they have received a prohibition of entry to Norway, became covered by the EEA regulations

If you have handed in all the necessary documents, and UDI believes it is obvious that your prohibition of entry should be lifted, we will process your application within 15 days

If UDI has asked you to send in more documents or other information, or if we need to investigate further, you will have to wait longer for a reply. When we have received the documents from you, we will continue to process your case. 

Appeals concerning expulsions

Within 3 months of the date when UDI and the police receive your appeal, we will either reverse the decision or send your case to the Immigration Appeals Board (UNE) to consider your appeal. 

You can find information on UNE’s website about how long it takes from when UNE receives your appeal until you receive an answer from them (external website).

This information was last updated on 

22 August 2024

. It will be updated again on

19 September 2024