You have dual citizenship and one of the countries is safe

If you a dual national, with citizenship in at least one safe country, you are note eligible for collective protection in Norway and you cannot be granted an extension.

You can appeal the rejection.

UDI will contact you by phone approximately 1 week after we take our decision and send you the answer to your application. We will then agree on a time to meet and discuss the decision with you. During the meeting, we will explain the decision in a language you understand and we will give you information about the options you have.

The options you have will depend on which countries your citizenships are in, and whether you have the possibility of applying for other types of residence permits in Norway. We will give you more information and guidance about this during the meeting. You can read more about other types of residence permits in Norway on

If your application is rejected because you no longer are covered under collective protection, your application will automatically be transferred for processing on an individual basis. But since you are a citizen of a safe country, your application will be processed quickly and, most likely, rejected.

In an appeal, you will need to make a decision regarding whether you want to maintain your application's status as an individual application. If you let it stand as an individual application, you may withdraw it at any time before it has been processed.

If you do not wish to appeal, and you are not able to apply for a different residence permit in Norway, you will have to leave Norway.

You may be issued a decision instructing you to leave Norway. The police will follow up to confirm whether you have left. If you remain illegally in Norway, you can be expelled. This will have consequences for your ability to return to Norway or to the Schengen area.

More information about assisted return and your options for applying for help to travel. Financial support is normally not available for assisted returns to a safe country.