Under 18 years old

Your parents must apply

Since you are under the age of 18, your parents, or the parent who has sole parental responsibility for you, must apply for Norwegian citizenship on your behalf. If your parents are dead or have forfeited their parental responsibility, your guardian has to submit the application.

If you are over the age of 12, you have to consent to an application for Norwegian citizenship being submitted on your behalf.

Requirements for Norwegian citizenship

  • You must live in Norway on a permanent basis when you apply for citizenship.
  • You must 
    • have lived in Norway continously for the last three years, or
    • be under the age of 1 and have parents who have permanent residence permits or fulfil the requirements for permanent residence permits, or
    • be under the age of one and have parents who for the last three years have been registered as an EU/EEA national or had a residence card as a family member of an EU/EEA national.
  • You cannot have stayed abroad for longer than a total of seven months during the last three years.