Reached the age of 22 before 1 January 1925
If you reached the age of 22 before 1 January 1925, then you have lost your Norwegian citizenship if you moved from Norway for reasons other than the following:
- employment abroad in connection with Norwegian services, or
- your father or your husband was employed under Norwegian foreign services abroad.
You do not lose your citizenship, however, if you:
- within one year of moving from Norway, you submitted a letter to a Norwegian consulate declaring that you wished to remain Norwegian, and
- the declaration was valid up until 1 January 1925, the date the law was changed.
Documentation requirements
Documentation showing that you have not lost your Norwegian citizenship
If you moved because you, your father or your husband was employed under Norwegian foreign services abroad, acceptable documentation may include:
- confirmation of employment at a Norwegian foreign service mission abroad.
If you moved outside the country, but declared that you wished to retain your Norwegian citizenship within one year of moving, acceptable documentation may include:
- declaration/certificate from a Norwegian consulate showing that you have been allowed to retain your Norwegian citizenship up until 1 January 1925.
Applicable law
"The Norwegian Nationality Act of 21 April 1888".