Do you fear that you will be forced to marry abroad?

  • If you fear that you will be forced to marry against your will while you are abroad, you should not leave. It can be difficult for Norwegian authorities to help you abroad. You should seek help if you fear that you will be forced to marry abroad. You can contact the police at any time to get help, also at the airport.
  • If you fear that someone will force you to go, you can hand in your passport to the police.
  • If you fear that you are going to be married against your will, and you are below the age of 18 years old, you should contact child welfare services.
  • If you travel abroad, you should first tell someone you trust where you are going and how they can contact you. Give this person (for example, a teacher) a copy of your passport and ask them to contact the police if you do not return to Norway by the agreed time. You can also notify the Norwegian embassy about your situation.
  • Write down the phone number of the nearest Norwegian embassy (external website) or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' emergency hotline (+47) 23 95 13 00.