Further information for helpers
Resources in Norwegian:
- The Expert Team for the Prevention of Negative Social Control and Honour-Related Violence (external website). Phone (+47) 478 09 050 or send an email to kompetanseteamet@bufdir.no
- Tvangsekteskap og æresrelatert vold – en veileder til barneverntjenesten ("Forced marriage and honour-related crimes– a guide for the children welfare service") (Bufetat – the Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs) (external website)
- Arbeid mot tvangsekteskap - en veileder ("Work to prevent forced marriage - a guide") (external website)
- Negativ sosial kontroll og æresrelatert vold: Beredskapsbrev 2023 ("Government letter to public authorities and schools about the importance of preventing negative social control and honour-related violence") (external website)
- Government brochure about conventions and legislation relating to forced marriage (external website)
- Frihet fra negativ sosial kontroll og æresrelatert vold 2021-2024 (Government Action Plan "Freedom from negative social control and honour-related violence”) (external website)
- Concerns about children and forced marriages during the summer holidays (external website)
Resources available in English and other languages: