Who can help you if you fear being married against your will?
- The police: (+47) 02800 (emergency phone number: 112), if you wish to report someone to the police, if you are in danger or if you need advice.
- Child welfare services in your municipality or Alarmtelefonen (emergency hotline) for children and young people (external website) Phone: 116 111 (*from abroad: 00 47 95 41 17 55), email: alarm@116111.no.
- A doctor, school nurse or a school counsellor
- An emergency shelter where you live (external website), to get help and a safe place to stay
- UDI or the police district where you live can help you to apply for a residence permit or give you information about forced marriage when you apply for family immigration.
- The asylum reception centre where you live
- Your representative / legal guardian
- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs' emergency hotline (+47) 23 95 13 00 or your nearest Norwegian embassy or consulate (external website).
- The Expert Team for the Prevention of Negative Social Control and Honour-Related Violence (external website) can provide advice and guidance. You can contact the expert team by email kompetanseteamet@bufdir.no or phone (+47) 478 09 050.
- The Norwegian Red Cross's forced marriage and female genital mutilation helpline (external website) can provide advice and guidance. You can contact them by email info.tvangsekteskap@redcross.no or phone (+47) 815 55 201