The reference person has a residence permit as a student (study permit)
No requirement for the reference person’s income last year
As reference person, you do not need to have had any income last year.
How much must the reference person earn now?
As reference person, you must have a total income of at least
NOK 334 876 per year pre-tax
. It must be probable that you are going to continue having this income for at least another year. You may later be asked to document that you had this income the first year your family member was in Norway.
Your income can come from student loans or grants, or consist of own funds deposited in a Norwegian bank account or in the deposit account of your educational institution, or a combination of these. If you have already been offered a part-time job in Norway, the income from this work may be included.
If you, as reference person, have achieved at least 60 credits in the last year, and the applicant has a job offer in Norway, the applicant's income can also be included in order to meet the requirement.
Types of income counting towards reference person’s future income
- income from employment
- sickness benefit, pregnancy benefit, parental support, disability benefit or retirement pension from the National Insurance Scheme (folketrygden)
- other permanent pensions or periodical benefits (insurance payments or similar)
- loans or grants received in connection with studies
- If the applicant is already in lawful employment in Norway, the applicant's income can be included in order to meet the requirement.
As reference person, you can have one or more of the above types of income.
Types of income not counting towards reference person’s future income
- financial assistance from NAV (økonomisk sosialhjelp)
- housing support
- work assessment allowance
- any benefits you receive because you have children
- lump sum grant in connection with birth