Other types of cases

Residence permit for victims of abuse

If you have applied for an independent residence permit because you have been abused by your spouse or cohabitant, you will normally receive an answer to your application within 6 months. 

Residence permit for medical treatment

If you have applied for a residence permit for medical treatment for citizens of countries outside the EU/EEA area, you will normally receive an answer to your application within 6 months.

If you are going to be interviewed by the embassy or the police, it may take longer before you receive an answer to your application. You will be notified if you are going to be interviewed. 

Residence permit for those who had a Norwegian mother or father when they were born

If you have applied for a residence permit for those who had a Norwegian mother or father when they were born, you will normally receive an answer to your application within 12 months

Residence permit because of strong humanitarian considerations or because you have a special connection with Norway

If you have applied for a residence permit because of strong humanitarian considerations or because you have a special connection with Norway (humanitarian grounds), you will normally receive an answer to your application within 13 months.

Application to have your legal expenses or other necessary expenses related to an appeal covered

You will normally receive an answer to your application within 6 months.

Appeal of a rejection of an application for a D visa

Today it normally takes months from the UDI receives your appeal until we make a decision. How long you have to wait may change. In that case, the new information will apply to you, even if you have been told a different waiting time previously. We update the information on this page once a month.

This information was last updated on

19 September 2024

. It will be updated again on

24 October 2024