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What you need to know about attending an interview when you do not live in an asylum reception centre
You are to travel using the cheapest option (for example bus or train) from where you live. If you need to travel by taxi, car or plane, you need to get approval for this from UDI well before your departure date in order to get your money back. You will find information about how to contact us and apply to have your travel plans approved in the letter calling you in for your interview.
UDI only covers travel expenses to and from the asylum interview for anyone summoned for the interview. UDI does not cover travel expenses for family or friends. If you have special reasons for why you need someone to accompany you, you need to get this approved by UDI before your trip.
In order to get your travel expenses covered, you can either use the travel requisition to pay for the trip, or the travel reimbursement form to get the cost of your trip paid back to you afterwards. Both accompany the letter summoning you for your interview.
If you need to stay overnight, you must arrange and pay for your accommodations yourself. If it is not possible for you to arrange for a place to stay, you need to contact UDI.
You will have to pay for food during your trip yourself. On the day of the interview, you will be provided with a light lunch by UDI.