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Your children have the right to attend school and kindergarten.
If you are between 18 and 55, you have the right to take part in an introduction programme, including training in Norwegian and social studies. If you are over the age of 55, you may still have the right to participate in an introduction programme. The municipality in which you reside can answer questions about this.
For the first three years, collective protection does not form the basis for permanent residence. Still, you may obtain a temporary residence permit that forms the basis for permanent residency after those three years. After 5 years with a temporary permit that forms the basis for permanent residency, you can apply for a permanent residence permit if you meet the other requirements. This means a total of 8 years before you can apply for a permanent residence permit.
You must tell the truth. If you have given us incorrect information or failed to mention matters of significance to the decision to grant you a permit, your permit may be revoked.
You have the right to travel in and out of Norway, but you must have a travel document.
If you return to Ukraine, there may be consequences for your residence permit. If you return to Ukraine, we may consider revoking your residence permit. You may travel back to Ukraine if you have a legitimate purpose for the trip. By legitimate purpose, we mean a short visit to do something strictly necessary, such as visiting a close relative who is seriously ill. You must be able to document that you have a legitimate purpose for the trip.
You keep your Ukrainian passport while staying in Norway. If you need a new passport, please contact the Ukrainian Embassy in Norway.