Renewal of residence permit with F code

You can only use this list if you are applying for a renewal of your residence permit with an F code. 

Please note that F-codes will not be sent out

The F-code scheme is discontinued for the time being. If you have already received an F-code, you can use it. The F-code must be used no later than 30 days before your permit expires. It is not possible to apply with an F-code after 13 April 2022.

Residence permit for work

Family immigration permit

Study permit

  • signed cover letter from the Application Portal
  • valid passport
  • a Statement on study progress (in Norwegian only, pdf, 598 kB)  from the educational institution that you attend 
  • You must show that you have funds equivalent of NOK 126 357 per year or that you will have a yearly income equivalent of this sum (or a combination of funds and income). You must document this in one or more of these ways:

    • statement of support from the State Education Loan Fund (Lånekassen) or documentation which shows that you receive other types of grants
    • a work contract for part-time work in Norway which shows how many hours you will work per week, your pay and the duration of the contract
    • a bank statement from your account/all your accounts in a Norwegian bank
    • you can not be self-employed or run your own business in Norway