My D number does not match my date of birth - what do I do?
The D number consists of 11 numbers.
The first six numbers show the date of birth, with the first number increased by 4. For example, if you were born on 01.01.85, the first numbers of your D number will be 410185.
If there is no available D number linked to your date of birth, the registration date (day and month) is used. For example: If your D number was ordered on 15.01.20, the first numbers of your D number will be 550185.
UDI cannot change the national identity number or D number. If you get an identification number that is based on the registration date, your date of birth is still correctly registered in our records and in the National Population Register. This means that you do not need to contact UDI to correct the date of birth in our records.
You can log in and see your date of birth information in the National Population Register (external website), and you can change it if something is wrong.