Can I return to Ukraine, even though I have received collective protection in Norway?

You can no longer travel back and forth between Ukraine and Norway if you have been granted collective protection, at least not without consequences for your residence permit. This applies from and including 12 December 2023.

The changes also apply if you were granted temporary collective protection before 12 December 2023. 

You can travel back to Ukraine if you have a legitimate purpose for the trip, but there are extremely few purposes that will be approved.

What happens if I travel back to Ukraine?

If you visit your home country, you show the Norwegian authorities that you may no longer need protection in Norway. Therefore, UDI will consider whether you should lose your residence permit.

If we receive information that you have been to Ukraine, we will open a case to consider whether you should lose your residence permit. You will receive notice that we have opened such a case. You will then have the opportunity to explain why you have travelled. UDI will look at the reason why you went home before we decide whether you should lose your permit. This process may take a long time.

If we decide that you will lose your residence permit, you will receive a decision letter. The decision letter states why we are revoking your residence permit. You can appeal the decision.

If you lose your right to a residence permit, you will not be granted collective protection if you apply for protection again.

If you apply for protection once again, your application will be assessed as an application for individual protection. This means that UDI will undertake an individual assessment to determine whether you still need protection in Norway. This will have multiple consequences concerning your rights in Norway, including:

  • you will lose the rights you had in the municipality where you were settled.
  • you will have the right to stay in an asylum reception centre while we process your application for individual protection.
  • you will have to apply for a temporary work permit in order to be able to work while waiting for the outcome of your application.
  • if you are granted individual protection, your right to settlement with public support will be rescinded, and you will have to find and pay for your own residence in a municipality.
  • if UDI determine that you do not meet the requirements for individual protection, your application will be rejected and you will have to leave Norway.

If you receive a notice that we are opening a case or a decision on revocation, you have the right to have the costs of a lawyer covered. You must contact a lawyer yourself. You may find some examples on this website (external website).

You have the right to see the documents in your case. If you want to see the documents, you can request access.

Read more about what happens when we consider whether you should lose your permit here: Temporary residence permit with refugee status (protection/asylum) or temporary collective protection - UDI

It is strictly necessary that I travel to Ukraine. Will I lose my residence permit if I travel?

You can return to Ukraine if you have a legitimate purpose for the trip. By legitimate purpose, we mean a short visit to do something strictly necessary, such as visiting a close relative who is seriously ill or attending the funeral of a close family member. There is a high threshold for UDI to consider the purpose of the trip as legitimate, only exceptional situations will be accepted.
UDI cannot pre-approve the trip. This means that we cannot approve the purpose of your trip before you travel.

If you travel and the UDI opens up a case to consider revoking your residence permit, you will be given a chance to explain or present documentation, for example medical records for a family member who has fallen ill.

What do I do if I am already in Ukraine?

If you travelled to Ukraine before December 12 and have not yet returned, the new rules will not apply. UDI will not open a case to consider revoking the residence permit for those who travelled to Ukraine before 12 December 2023. You must still make sure that, by the end of your trip, you have not been away for more than 6 months of the time your permit is valid for.

When you are going to travel abroad, you must have:

• valid passport/immigrant passport/travel document for refugees
• valid residence card

If you cannot travel visa-free in the Schengen area, you need a residence card if you are going to travel through countries in the Schengen area on your way to Ukraine.

Here you can read more about what you need to know if you are going to be out of the country for longer than half the time of your residence permit (6 months) or move from Norway.