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You must order a new residence card if you are in one of these situations
you have a permanent residence permit (previously called a settlement permit) and your residence card will expire soon, or already has expired. We recommend ordering a new card 3 months before your old card expires.
you have permanent right of residence as a family member of an EU/EEA national and your residence card will expire soon, or already has expired. We recommend ordering a new card 3 months before your old card expires.
your residence card is lost, stolen or damaged
there is incorrect information on the card (for example wrong name or citizenship)
you have received a residence card which was damaged or contained errors
you have a sticker in your passport which has expired. It is not possible to get a new sticker.
you must have your DUF number (12 digits) and information about the residence permit. You will find this information on the old card or in the decision letter that you received from the UDI or the police.
you are not a citizen of an EU/EEA country. (EU/EEA nationals are no longer given stickers in their passports or residence cards. )